Считалки для детей на английском

Считалки на английском языке.

A B C D E F G 
come on out and play with me. 
H I J 
come and play. 
K L M 
come with them. 
N O P 
near the tree. 
Q R S T U V 
Oh, how happy we will be. 
W X Y Z 
Lot’s of fun for you and me.

1… 2… Buckle my shoe 
3… 4… Knock at the door 
5… 6… Pick up sticks 
7… 8… Lay them straight 
9… 10… A big fat hen

11… 12… Dig and delve 
13… 14… Maids a-courting 
15… 16… Maids in the kitchen 
17… 18… Maids a-waiting 
19… 20… I’ve had plenty!

One, two, three, four, five, 
I caught a fish alive. 
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 
I let him go again. 
O-U-T spells out goes you!

One for sorrow, 
two for joy, 
three for a girl, 
for for a boy, 
five for silver, 
six for gold, 
seven for a secret, 
never to be told, 
eight for a wish, 
Считалки на английском языке для детейnine for a kiss, 
ten for a time 
of joyous bliss.

Under the ocean, green and deep 
Lie the fishes fast asleep, 
Under the arm and over the shoe, 
Tap on the head, and out goes YOU!

Eeny, meeny, miney, moe 
Catch a tiger by his toe, 
If he squeals, let him go, 
Eeny, meeny, miney, moe.

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